TestEquity UK

AnaPico APPH6040 Signal Source Analyser, up to 7 GHz, APPH Series

Part #N|ANA|10142


AnaPico APPH6040

AnaPico APPH6040 Signal Source Analyser, up to 7 GHz, APPH Series

Part #N|ANA|10142


POA(Excl. VAT)

The APPH is a fully contained signal source analyzer with models up to 7, 26 and 40 GHz.

It offers an indispensable set of measurement functions for evaluating signal sources ranging from VHF to microwave frequencies but also active and passive non self oscillating devices like amplifers, or frequency dividers. A mixed-signal system architecture with an FPGA cross correlation engine enables very fast signal processing and ultra-low phase noise sensitvity.

Measurements can be performed with the provided desktop software or with individual scripts using the remote SCPI interface for automated testing.

Built-in programmable power supplies and low noise tuning voltages make the unit extremely flexible and easy to use.

The full set of measurement capabilities includes:
  • absolute phase noise measurement of continuous wave and pulse modulated signals to characterize oscillators, synthesizers, signal generators and other self oscillating setups
  • residual phase noise measurement of continuous wave and pulse modulated signals, used to characterize amplifiers, up/down converters, mixers, dividers and other non self oscillating components
  • amplitude noise measurement of continuous wave signals
  • time stability measurement to characterize Allan deviation, derived from phase noise or from long term frequency measurements up to several days
  • transient analysis to measure signal transients or modulations with a resolution down to 16ns
  • fully automated oscillator characterization of voltage controlled oscillators (VCO), including the parameters frequency, power, current consumption, pushing and phase noise
  • monitoring spectrum of a single carrier signal
The APPH is suitable for many applications:
  • phase and amplitude noise measurement of signal sources in labs
  • evaluating pulsed signals and amplifier stages
  • automated testing in production lines
  • analyzing frequency and power transients, modulations, and long term behaviour of signals

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